Ing. Martin Balog, PhD.
vedecký pracovník 02 3240-1020
Address: Novoveská 44, 84107,Bratislava, Slovakia
Cell phone: +421-949-074666
Alternative e-mail:
Nationality: Slovak
Birth date: Feb 16
Employment history, academic and professional appointments
Professional experience
a head of powder metallurgy group (full time position)
Institute of materials and machine mechanics, SAS, Dubravska cesta 9, 84513, Bratislava
a core-researcher (full time position)
Centre of Excellence for advanced materials application (CEMEA), SAS, Dubravska cesta 9, 84511, Bratislava
Type of work
science, research, development, education, and training
Job positions
a senior scientist
a post doctorate student
Other professional experience
industrial placement
NewMet Composites, Waltham Abbey, UK, Production of parts for aircraft industry made of carbon-carbon composites (pressing, infiltration, PVD), under supervision of W. Buchgraber, PhD.
Work&Travel USA
Century Pool Management Inc., Laurel (MD), pool operator and lifeguard
civil service
Institute of materials and machine mechanics, SAS, research assistance, pressure infiltration of porous, fibrous precursors with molten metals, e.g., MgLi + saffil
Work&Travel USA
YMCA, Camp Fuller (RI), counselor and maintenance
Volkswagen Bratislava, welding production line
Education, fellowships
Fulbright research fellowship
University of California - Davis, Department of mechanical engineering and materials science, Advanced materials research group, Davis, CA, USA
Topic: „Fabrication, microstructural study and mechanical testing of ultra-fine grained Al-Al2O3 composites in-situ formed during compaction of fine atomized CP and alloyed Al powders (HITEMAL®)”, under supervision of Prof. Enrique J. Lavernia
Go8 research fellowship
University of Queensland, School of Engineering, Division of materials, Powder metal processing group, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Topic: “Al-AlN metal matrix composites in-situ prepared via direct nitridation of Al powders”, under supervision of Prof. Ma Qian a Prof. Graham B. Schaffer
doctorate study, Philosophiae doctor – PhD.
Slovak Technical University, Faculty of material science and technology, Trnava,
specialization „Materials science and threshold states“, internal student of Institute of materials and machine mechanics, SAS
Dissertation theses: „Ultra-fine grained Al profiles with high temperature stability“(written in English),
supervisor Dr. František Simančík
master study, Engineer - Ing.
Slovak Technical University, Faculty of mechanical engineering, Bratislava, specialization „Engineering materials and technologies“
Diploma work theses: „Sound absorption potential of Alporas®aluminium foams”,carried out at Institute of materials and machine mechanics, SAS
Engineering school, Fajnorovo nábrežie 5, Bratislava
Elementary school, Devínska Nová Ves/Devín
Professional orientation
- Novel lightweight metallic materials and technologies for their production
- Metal matrix composites
- Powder metallurgy (general)
- Nanostructured aluminum alloys / composites
- Biomedical materials
- Cellular metal structures
- Metals deformation
Personal skills and competences
Slovak (native), English (active, advanced knowledge)
Social skills
communication skills, ability to work in a team, adaptability
Organizational skills
collective management, coordination of scientific and industrial projects
Computer skills
MS Office, Origin, various graphics software, internet, basic CAD
Driving license
A, B
family, traveling, sports, mountain biking, foot biking, music, hi-fi, movies, reading, nature, beekeeping, mountain climbing
Additional information
The most significant achievements in the field / applications of results in practice:
Number of publications |
54 |
of this current contents database |
35 |
Number of citations in WOS, SCOPUS database |
417 |
Number of patents |
3 |
Number of series production products |
3 |
- The development of new composite materials based on nanostructured aluminum powders with high strength, creep and structural stability - HITEMAL® materials (many lectures, publications, granted a trade mark)
- Development of Al-B4C composite material based on HITEMAL® concept for mass production of holder of used nuclear fuel (in cooperation with HOLTEC International, USA and New Materials Development GmbH, A, granted patent)
- The introduction of mass production and technical assistance in the production of stator rings BMW engine (variable cam shaft phasor) made of hot extruded powders AlSi13 Sapa Profiles Žiar nad Hronom (in cooperation with Alulight Ranshofen GmbH, A)
- Development of the piston of F1 engine based on HITEMAL® concept material (in cooperation with MAHLE GmbH, D and New Materials Development GmbH, A)
- Development of new composite materials based on nitrided aluminum powders with high strength, stiffness, structural stability and creep (many lectures, publications, patent-pending)
- Development of Al+AlN+B4C composite extruded material based on nitrided aluminum powders for mass production of holder of used nuclear fuel (in cooperation with major foreign partner; ongoing cooperation under NDA; patent-pending)
- Development of new biomedical hybrid composite material and dental implants based on titanium and magnesium powder with bioactive feature -BIACOM® (various lectures, publications, granted a trade mark, patent pending)
- Development of novel ultra-lightweight superconductive wire with HITEMAL® sheath (in cooperation with Institute of electrical engineering, SAS; patent pending)
Principal investigator on the following projects:
- Fabrication and study of composite materials manufactured by casting of aluminium and ceramic powder blends, VEGA, VEGA 2/0114/2018, 01/2018-12/2020
- Titanium-magnesium composite for implants, APVV, APVV-16-0527, 07/2017-06/2020
- Aluminium based composites formed in situ through reactive synthesis, APVV, APVV-0556-12, 10/2013-12/2016
- On the research of the novel Al based composites prepared in situ via powder metallurgy approach, VEGA, VEGA 2/0025/14, 01/2014-12/2016
- Development of new type of metal matrix composite material fabricated by powder metallurgy approach at industrial scale, 01/2015-now
- Investigation of Ti and Ti alloys compacts prepared by powder metallurgy methods, VEGA, VEGA 2/0158/13, 01/2013-12/2015
- The study and modelling of mechanical and tribological characteristics of novel ultra-fine grained Al-Al2O3 composites, SAS-NSC JRP 2011/06, Slovak Academy of Sciences and Taiwan National Science Council Joint Research Project, 01/2012-12/2014
- On the research of in-situ prepared ultra-fine grained Al-AlN composites, VEGA, VEGA 2/0116/11, 01/2011-12/2013
- Development and optimization of the components made from extruded power aluminium mixtures, 01/2009-2014
- Mechanical and Microstructural Characterization of Al-PM Based Composites Prepared Via Hot Working Route, SAS (SVK) – CONICET (ARG) international scientific cooperation, 01/2013-12/2014
Graduated master students:
1 (Ing. Michal Polovka)
Graduated doctorate students:
1 (Ing. Matej Štepánek, PhD.)
Actual doctorate students:
2 (Ahmed Hassan Mohamed Ibrahim, M.Sc.; Milad Roostaei, M.Sc.)
Štefan Schwartz scholarship for young researcher, the Slovak academy of sciences.
The excellent employee of 2011, Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, The Slovak Academy of Sciences
Award of the 2nd best young researcher in the section - physical, space, earth, and engineering sciences of the Slovak academy of sciences; publications contest.
Award of the best young researcher up to 35 years of the Slovak academy of sciences.
The excellent employee of 2016, Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, The Slovak Academy of Sciences
The excellent employee of 2018, Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, The Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Dr. Simancik Frantisek, Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics, The Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovak rep., +421/32401026,
- Prof. Ma Qian, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, +61/399254491,
- Prof. Enrique J. Lavernia, University of California, Irvine, USA, +530/7520554,
- Haynes T. G. III, Walcher M., Balog M., High temperature nanocomposite aluminium alloy and method therfore
EP20070868308 20070614 (2009)
WO2007US71233 20070614 (2008)
- Balog M., Catic A., Krizik P., Schauperl Z., COMPOSITE MATERIAL FOR IMPLANTS, ITS USE AND METHOD OF ITS PRODUCTION(BIOAKTIVNI KOMPOZITNI METAL, Kompozitný materiál na implantáty, jeho použitie a spôsob výroby)
20150781A (2015)
PP50046-2016 (2016)
PCT/IB2016/054220 (2016)
EP 16763311.4 (2018)
ISR 256877 (2018)
- Balog M., Krizik P., Kovac P., Husek I., Kopera L., Rosova A., Superconductor wire with MgB2 core and Al based sheath and method of its production (Supravodič na báze MgB2 s plášťom na báze Al a spôsob jeho výroby)
PP50037-2017 (2017)
PCT/IB2018/053540 (2018)
EP/18737410.3 (2019)
CB/P21374CN00 (2019)
US/16/613,471 (2019)
Selected publications (* corresponding author)
- Y. Cetin, A.M.H.Ibrahim, A. Gungor, Y. Yildizhan, M. Balog*, P. Krizik, In-vitro evaluation of a partially biodegradable TiMg dental implant: the cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, and oxidative stress, Materialia (2020) in-press
- P. Krizik, M. Balog, S. Nagy, L. Orovcik, A. Siskova, A. Eckstein Andicsova, Ultrafine titanium filaments with a high aspect ratio fabricated by the extraction from Al + Ti composite, Kovove Mater. 58 (2020) 287 – 292.
- A.M.H.Ibrahim, M. Balog*, P. Krizik, F. Novy, Y. Cetin, P. Svec, O. Bajana, M. Drienovsky, Partially biodegradable Ti-based composites for biomedical applications subjected to intense and cyclic loading, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 839 (2020) 155663
- M. Balog*, L. Orovcik, S. Nagy, P. Krizik, M. Nosko, P. Oslanec, P. Zifcak, To what extent does friction-stir welding deteriorate the properties of powder metallurgy Al?, Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (2020)6733-6744.
- M. Balog*, Nové zuby zo Slovenska, Quark 9 (2019) 14-15.
- A. Catic,A. Muhic, H. Besirovic, M. Balog, P. Krizik, Z. Schauperl, In‐vivo animal model histological analysis of TiMg composite material for dental implants, Clinical Oral Implants Research 30 (S19) (2019) 163-164.
- M. Balog*, P. Kováč, Ultraľahký supravodivý drôt, Quark 7 (2019) 16-17.
- M. Balog*, A.M.H.Ibrahim, P. Krizik, O. Bajana, A. Klimova, A. Catic, Z. Schauperl, Bioactive Ti + Mg composites fabricated by powder metallurgy: the relation between the microstructure and mechanical properties, J. Mech.Behav.Biomed.Mater.90 (2019) 45-53.
- M. Balog*, P. Krizik, O. Bajana, T. Hu, H. Yang, J.M. Schoenung, E.J. Lavernia, Influence of grain boundaries with dispersed nanoscale Al2O3 particles on the strength of Al for a wide range of homologous temperatures, JALCOM 772 (2019) 472-481.
- M.F. Moreno, M. Balog, P. Krizik, Mechanical characterization of PM aluminum composites by small punch test, Revista Matéria 23(2018) e-12021.
- P. Kovac, I. Husek, A. Rosova, M. Kulich, J. Kovac, T.Melisek, L.Kopera, M. Balog, P. Krizik, Ultra-lightweight superconducting wire based on Mg, B, Ti and Al, Sci. Rep. 8 (2018) 11229.
- M. Balog*, A. Rosova, B, Szundiova, L. Orovcik, P, Krizik, P, Svec, M. Kulich, L. Kopera, P. Kovac, I. Husek, A.M. Ibrahim, HITEMAL-an outer sheath material for MgB2 superconductor wires: the effect of annealing at 595-655 °C on the microstructure and properties, Materials & Design 157C (2018) 12-23.
- P. Kováč, I. Hušek, M. Kulich, J. Kováč, T. Melišek, L. Kopera, N. Perez, W. Haessler, M. Balog, P. Krížik, D. Berek, Lightweight MgB2 wires with HITEMAL sheath made of variable Al powder purity and Al2O3 content, SUST 31 (2018) 085003.
- P. Kováč, M. Balog, I. Hušek, L. Kopera, P. Križik, A. Rosová, J. Kováč, M. Kulich, M. Čaplovičová, Properties of near- and sub-micrometre Al matrix composites strengthened with nano-scale in-situ Al2O3 aimed for low temperature applications, Cryogenics 87 (2017) 58-65.
- P. Kováč, I. Hušek, T. Melišek, M. Kulich, A. Rosová, J. Kováč, L. Kopera, M. Balog*, P. Krížik, Ľ. Orovčík, Lightweight Al stabilized MgB2 conductor made by IMD process, Superconductor Sci.Techn.30 (2017) 115001.
- H. Yang, L. Jiang, M. Balog, P. Krizik, J. Schoenung, Reinforcement Size Dependence of Load Bearing Capacity in Ultra-Fine Grained Metal Matrix Composites, MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A 48 (2017) 4385-4392.
- M. Cavojsky, P. Krizik, T. Svantner, M. Stepanek, M. Balog*, Die wear during hot extrusion of ex-situ and in-situ aluminum composites, Kovove Mater. 55 (2017) 223–227.
- Z. Stanec, J. Halambek, K. Maldini, M. Balog, P. Krizik, Z. Schauperl, A. Catic, The effect of magnesium on the development of biologically inspired titanium-based surface produced by powder metallurgy technique, Clinical mplants Research 27S13 (2016) 8.
- Balog M.*, Viskic J., Krizk P., Schauperl Z., Snajdar M., Stanec Z., Catic A., CP Ti fabricated by low temperature extrusion of HDH powder: application in dentistry, Key Eng. Mater. 704 (2016) 351-359.
- Krizik P., Balog M., Nosko M., Riglos M.V.C., Dvorak J., Bajana O., Ultrafine-grained Al composites reinforced with in-situ Al3Ti filaments, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 657 (2016) 6-14.
- Krizik P., Balog M., Matko I., Svec Sr. P., Cavojsky M., Simancik F., The effect of a particle-matrix interface on the Young’s modulus of Al/SiC composites, J. Compos. Mater. 50 (2016) 99-108.
- Stanec Z., Halambek J., Maldini K., Balog M., Križik P., Schauperl Z., Catic A., Titanium ions release from an innovative titanium-magnesium composite: An in vitro study, Acta Stomatologica Croatica 50 (2016) 40-48.
- Balog M.*, Hu T., Krizik P., Riglos M.V.C., Saller B.D., Yang H., Schoenung J.M., Lavernia E.J., On the thermal stability of ultrafine-grained Al stabilized by in-situ amorphous Al2O3 network, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 648 (2015) 61-71.
- Viskic J., Schauperl Z., Catic A., Balog M., Krizk P., Grezeta B., Popovic J., MilardovicOrtolan S., Mehulic K., Effects of wire EDM on the microstructure of P/M titanium samples, Acta stomatologica croatica 48 (2014) 245-330.
- M. Balog*, F. Simancik, P. Krizik, M. Nosko, W. Rajner, M. Walcher, M. Qian, Novel ultrafine-grained aluminium metal matrix composites prepared from fine atomized Al powders, In Light Metals 2014 : Proceedings of the symposia TMS 2014 Annual Meeting & Exhibition. - New Jersey : Wiley (2014) 1425-1430.
- Balog M.*, Krizik P., Nosko M., Hajovska Z., Riglos M.V.C., Rajner W., Liu D.-S., Simancik F., Forged HITEMAL: Al-based MMCs strengthened with nanometric thick Al2O3 skeleton, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 613 (2014) 82–90.
- Kovacik J., Balog M., Emmer S., Electrical conductivity and hardness of Cu-graphite composite after ECAP, Kovove Mater. 52 (2014)
- Krizik P., Balog M., Illekova E., Svec Sr. P., Matko I., Stepanek M., Nosko M., Simancik F., The oxidation behavior of gas-atomized Al and Al alloy powder green compacts during heating before hot extrusion and the suggested heating process, Journal of Materials Processing Technology (2014) 1165-1172.
- Balog M.*, Krizik P., Yan M., Simancik F., Schaffer G.B., Qian M., SAP-like ultrafine-grained Al composites dispersion strengthened with nanometricAlN, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 588 (2013) 181-187.
- Balog M.*, Yu P., Qian M., Behulova M., Svec Sr. P., Cicka R., Nanoscaled Al-AlN composites consolidated by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) of partially in situ nitrided Al powder, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 562 (2013) 190-195.
- Vierke J., Schumacher G., Balog M., Nagy J., Simancik F., Wollgarten M., Banhart J., Plastic deformation of Al85Ni10La5 by Equal Channel Angular Pressing, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 558 (2012) 64-69.
- Balog M.*, Florek R., Nosko M., Simancik F., Self-Propagating Synthesis of Ti-Al-C Powder Mixtures, Key Eng. Mater. 520 (2012) 347-352.
- Cavojsky M., Balog M., Dvorak J., Illekova E., Svec P., Krizik P., Janickovic D., Simancik F., Microstructure and properties of extruded rapidly solidified AlCr4.7Fe1.1Si0.3 (at.%) alloys, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 549 (2012) 233-241.
- Balog M.*, Simancik F., Walcher M., Rajner W., Poletti C., Extruded Al-Al2O3 composites formed in situ during consolidation of ultrafine Al powders: the effect of powder surface area, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 529 (2011) 131– 137.
- Yu P., Balog M., Yan M., Schaffer G.B., Qian M., In situ fabrication and mechanical properties of Al–AlN composite by hot extrusion of partially nitrided AA6061 powder, J. Mater. Res. 26 (2011) 1719-1725.
- Balog M.*, Poletti C., Simancik F., Walcher M., Rajner W., The effect of native Al2O3 skin disruption on properties of fine Al powder compacts, J. Alloys Compd. 509S (2011) S235–S238.
- Poletti C., Balog M., Simancik F., Degischer H.P., High-temperature strength of compacted sub-micrometer aluminium powder, Acta Mater. 58 (2010) 3781–3789.
- Balog M.*, Simancik F., Bajana O., Requena G., ECAP vs. direct extrusion - techniques for consolidation of ultra-fine Al particles, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 504 (2009) 1-7.
- Balog M.*, Nagy J., Simancik F., Izdinsky K., Requena G., Heat resistant ultra-fine grained Al profiles, Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 18 (2008) 415-421.
- Nagy J., Balog M., Simancik F., Izdinsky K., Janickovic D., Svec P., Nagy - Consolidation of Rapidly Solidified Al-Based Particles Using Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP), Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci. 18 (2008) 608-615.
- Poletti C., Balog M., Schubert T., Liedtke V., Edtmaier C., Production of titanium matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles, Composites Sci. Tech. 68 (2008) 2171–2177.
- Vojtěch D., Verner J., Šerák J., Simančík F., Balog M., Nagy J., Properties of thermally stable PM Al-Cr based alloy, Mater. Sci. Eng., A 458 (2007) 371-380.
- Balog M.*, Izdinsky K., Nagy J., Simancik F., Svec P., Heat resistant Al-based profiles possessing high strength, Kovove Mater. 44 (2006) 341 – 349.
- Balog M.*, Nagy J., Izdinsky K., Simancik F., Compaction of ultra-fine Al powders, Int. J. Mater. Prod. Tech. 23 (2005) 69-78.
- Nagy J., Balog M., Izdinsky K., Simancík F., Svec P., High strength potential of aluminium nanocomposites reinforced with nonperiodical phases, Janickovic D., Int. J. Mater. Prod. Tech. 23 (2005) 79-90.
Selected conference contributions:
- M. Balog, A.M.H. Ibrahim, P. Krizik, O. Bajana, A. Klimova, A. Catic, Z. Schauperl, On the development of PM fabricated bioactive Ti + Mg composite (BIACOM®) with low Young`s modulus, in Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing of Titanium 2019, Sept 24-27 2019 Salt Lake City (2019)
- M. Balog, P. Kovac, P. Krizik, A. Rosova, L. Orovcik, M. Kulich, I. Husek, L. Kopera, P. Svec, Powder Metallurgy Fabricated In-situ Al-Al2O3 Composite (HITEMAL) as a Sheath Material of MgB2 Based Superconductive Wire, in World PM 2018 congress proceedings, Sept 16-20 2018 Beijing (2018) 974-982.
- A.M.H. Ibrahim, M. Balog, P. Krizik, A. Catic, Z. Schauperl, Optimization of Mg Content in Novel bioactive Ti-Mg Composite Produced by Warm Powder Consolidation Process, in World PM 2018 congress proceedings, Sept 16-20 2018 Beijing (2018) 1825-1831.
- M. Balog, M. Snajdar, P. Krizik, Z. Schauperl, Z. Stanec, A. Catic, Titanium-Magnesium Composite for Dental Implants (BIACOM), Chapter TMS 2017 146th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings, Part of the series The Minerals, Metals& Materials Series pp 271-284, in San Diego, (02/2017)
- M. Balog, J. Viskic, P. Krizik, Z. Schauperl, M. Snajdar, Z. Stanec, A. Catic, CP Ti fabricated by low temperature extrusion of HDH powder: application in dentistry, in PM Titanium 2015 Leuphana University Lüneburg, (08/2015)
- Balog M., Simancik F., Krizik P., Nosko M., Rajner W., Walcher M., Qian M., Novel ultrafine-grained aluminium metal matrix composites prepared from fine atomized Al powders, in TMS 2014 Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, (02/2014)
- Balog M., Simancik F., Svantner T., Qian M., Liu D.-S., Jeng Y.-R., Novel in-Situ formed Al-AlN Ultrafine-grained composites prepared from fine nitrided Al powders, In Euro PM 2013, Goethenburg, (10/2013)
- Balog M., Simancik F., Walcher M., Rajner W., Poletti C., (SAP concept) in situ formed Al-Al2O3 composites: the effect of powder size on composite’s mechanical properties, in Euro PM 2011, Barcelona, (10/2011)
- Balog M., Cavojsky M., Simancik F., Izdinsky K., Svec P., Janickovic D., Illekova E., Microstructures and properties of extruded AlCrFe melt-spun ribbons profiles, in ISMANAM 2010, Zurich, (07/2010)
- Balog M., Nagy J., Simančík F., Heat resistant ultra-fine grained profiles prepared via consolidation of fine Al particles using direct extrusion (DE) and equal channel angular pressing (ECAP), in Aluminium 2007, StaréSplavy, (10/2007)
- Balog M., Nagy J., Simancik F., Izdinsky K., Heat resistant ultra-fine grained Al profiles, in ISMANAM 2006, Warsaw, (08/2006)
- Balog M., Nagy J., Izdinsky K., Simancik F., Ultrafinegrained PM aluminium profiles, in Powder metallurgy 2004, 10/2004. Shrewsbury: EPMA, Vienna, (10/2004)