Scientific Courier - Physics at European Night of Researchers 2023

On September 29, 2023, the 17th edition of the European Night of Researchers, the largest scientific event in Europe, took place. This year was dedicated to two themes: WATER and ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
Institute of Materials and Machine Mechanics SAS for the Scientific Courier Physicist, a European Night of Researchers activity, prepared packages with experiments for second-grade elementary school students for 100 registered schools.
The students had tools for scientific experiments in their packages, which helped them penetrate the mysteries of water through experiential learning. In the physics class, they tested that water, a seemingly simple substance, can have unique properties and a wide range of physical laws. They investigated whether, for example, by reducing the surface tension, it is possible to bend the current of flowing water unusually or whether it is possible to force the water to "go" uphill.
We are convinced that thanks to the package full of experiments, the physics lessons became an extraordinary experience that changed the pupils' view of physics and helped teachers diversify their teaching.