5th Tech Transfer Interactive Workshop FIT-4-NMP in Bratislave at IMMM SAS

As part of cooperation in the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission, the international 5th TechTransfer Interactive Workshop was held on October 26-27, 2023, within the FIT-4-NMP project. It aimed to deepen cooperation between industry and research organizations and to create lasting partnerships between countries.
The FIT-4-NMP project is a support action funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program to increase the participation of talented newcomers from underrepresented regions in the HorizonEurope program in nanotechnologies, advanced materials, and new manufacturing processes (NMP).
The workshop was organized by ASTP (www.astp4kt.eu), a non-profit membership organization that connects knowledge between universities and industry.
Founded in 2000 by a group of leading practitioners, ASTP focuses on providing training that supports members' interests and building professional networks.
The program was packed with topics covering several aspects of technology transfer, such as sales skills, license agreements, establishing spin-off and start-up companies, forms of cooperation in EU projects, but also an insight into the patent process or contract negotiations. In addition to the rich professional exchange of experience, it offered a workshop and group training of prepared case studies, which enabled participants to apply theoretical knowledge to real situations and discuss them.
The experience from this event will strengthen our ability to find solutions to global challenges and achieve the set goals not only in the field of technology transfer but also in building a network of contacts with international experts from various industries.